Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Finally, finally I am getting around to my last post about my trip with Barb to WAshington state for a visit with my Sister Tami. Maybe it was my subconscious not WAnting the trip to ever end, so I just kept putting it off...anyWAy here we go!!!
This WAs the first view we had of Mt. Rainier poking above the clouds. In the days that followed it seemed to peek its head around every unexpected corner.
On the WAy up we stopped at an over look, I actually think Tami stopped to just give Barb and I a taste, we were wild with excitement! We had much more than a taste here, we had many deep deep inhales. The smell was something you just could not get enough of, we decide that this is where fragrance makers for anything marketed under the banner of "mountain fresh" come with jars in hand trying to capture the scent...and if you were not already aWAre, there isn't a laundry soap, fabric softener,or sachet that can even hold a scented candle to that fresh mountain air!
You can hardly see the mountain stream that WAs running threw this valley, it looks small compared to the rest of the riverbed that Tami pointed out becomes a ragging torrent when the spring snows melt.
The Happy WAnderers!
The General, Tami, Bubby, The Princess, and Barb...and our new best friend...Mt Rainier

I love to go a-WAndering along the mountain track...
and use the sticks along the way to mount my sneak attack!

The hills are alive...with the sounds, the sights, and even the love! Do you see it on the far hill?
I love to WAnder by the stream that dances in the sun...
So joyously it calls to me...
Jody, come again this place to see!!!
I WAve my hat to all I meet...
...and they WAve back to me...
or we find a bench...
It was so nice just to WAlk abit, sit abit, and just let your all senses WAke up.
Goodness, I felt like I had WAlked into the middle of a painting!
I actually took this picture! Can you believe it!?! I know, it looks like a post card! The beauty just surrounded us, it WAs seriously hard to take a bad picture.
Oh, may I go a-WAndering until the day I die!
Oh, may I always laugh and sing, beneath God's clear blue sky!!!

My heart still WAnders back there every now and then.